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        Марии Карпинской


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          A book of famouse journalist Maria Karpinskaya is an attempt to connect a world of imagination, or a private world of person with real world. This attempt has succeeded. Today on a border of times and centuries this surprising and magic book gets out. Surprising because it was written by a Woman who has past a colossal way of her soul.
             And why is she here with us? Evidently we will learn it slightly later, for the moment let's go, dear reader, to her Magic Country, where all what is written by her suddenly (or not suddenly) begins to become alive. Ahead to meeting with a Teacher who through her father's figure passed us his knowledges of the World, Earth and people on it.
               Ahead to her ship, where all of us are passengers, inhabitants of planet Earth! Smooth sailing to you!

A winner of the All-Union and International variety competitions, a winner of the International festival of actor's song of Andrei Mironov, an actress of "The Modern" theatre.

Valentina Ignatieva.



Author: Maria Karpinskaya.
Translation: Maya Nikolaeva.

The twenty-sixth chapter of the book:

Мария Карпинская. Открытая книга детства



On June 11, 1998 in the wood situated near Moscow a presentation of the "WANDERER" program and my birthday took place. This event can seem strange since not only because it happened in the wood, but also the actions of people, gathered here and calling themselves WANDERERS, went on under a cover of dark night. A question comes up by itself: who called these people in the wood moreover at night? It appeared that they arrived here on a visit to a FOREST MAN!


1. Invitation.

One acquaintance gave to the heroine of this book a strange invitation and a scheme on which the way, showing a road to some forest was noted.

- “What is it ?”

- “You'll understand later. Please come at night, you will see a miracle and get acquainted with a Forest-man”.

- “Wow! What's going on?” But the statement intrigued.

The acquaintance disappeared, and in her hands there was the invitation which didn't invite anywhere. And only words: “Between people you want to become a wanderer to awake in the world a melancholy for perfection...”

And a drawing, executed by hand of a good artist, that's all... Involuntarily she remembered the words of different poets on the Wanderer's theme:

...” Everyone in the world is a Wanderer..., Heavenly cloudlets — eternal Wanderers.” — also it became a little sad and impossible not to go.

The road seemed very long, and my state was unclear. I remembered of the childhood. For some reason Tarkovsky's movies "Stalker" and "Mirror" came to the memory. There was a presentiment of vague expectation, or may be that was a melancholy for perfection? In the pit of the stomach strangely sucked.

I, Lilith, the captain of "Wanderer" was this heroine. "What happened to me? And what a strange attachment to the word Wanderer?!" - it constantly span in the brain, as obsession. Whether it signified some illness? I wanted at last to reach this forest and the Forest-man!

The car suddenly jolted, our driver slowed down and reduced the speed. We got out to a forest road broken by wheels of cars. In about three hundreds meters - turn to the left. At the turn a strange construction made of tree, more precisely - from a tree root, reminding a sun in children's drawings, and on a board an inscription "Sun". Slowly we go among some fine pines. One more turn of the forest road and the car gets on the glade, there is a lot of "Zhiguli", "Moskvich", and foreign cars. "It reminds more a government residence, when a forest with a Forest-man!" — thought flashed in the brain, seemed like the last thought. "Everything is so paradoxical" — the head refused to work. A feeling of confusion passed. We left the car. A smell of the forest began to whirl the head, a peace settled in the heart.

Мария Карпинская. Открытая книга детства



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