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        Марии Карпинской


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          A book of famouse journalist Maria Karpinskaya is an attempt to connect a world of imagination, or a private world of person with real world. This attempt has succeeded. Today on a border of times and centuries this surprising and magic book gets out. Surprising because it was written by a Woman who has past a colossal way of her soul.
             And why is she here with us? Evidently we will learn it slightly later, for the moment let's go, dear reader, to her Magic Country, where all what is written by her suddenly (or not suddenly) begins to become alive. Ahead to meeting with a Teacher who through her father's figure passed us his knowledges of the World, Earth and people on it.
               Ahead to her ship, where all of us are passengers, inhabitants of planet Earth! Smooth sailing to you!

A winner of the All-Union and International variety competitions, a winner of the International festival of actor's song of Andrei Mironov, an actress of "The Modern" theatre.

Valentina Ignatieva.


Author: Maria Karpinskaya.
Translation: Maya Nikolaeva.

Открытая книга детства Марии Карпинской The second chapter of the book:

Открытая книга детства Марии Карпинской


Once... And it was very long time ago, so long ago that no way to count by years and millennia, but that was repeated literally a few tens of years ago, and was as if only yesterday at a breakfast with friends… And that is always like that with me, because I don't have time, and difference between past, present and future getting erased in such moments when once…

Once I said to myself - I do not want a grey and sad happiness! I want a life full of adventures and great events, big and fantastic Love and... at first I invented this life for myself.

Of course - from the ignorance and naivety I made many errors and suffered much from people and particularly - from men. Well, what can you do here? Myself I became a great temptation for each of them, and consequently I can blame for all my misfortunes only myself. A search of great Love created such amount of samples and attempts to open this Love in men that all of them, till this day, cannot settle down, and they all come and come to me, looking out for that woman, the images of which I created, as artist draws its own portrait each time variously. And everyone brought me pain and disappointment.

Today, when the pain is forgotten and passed, all what I lived through became an invaluable experience, which strengthened my soul and made it strong and free from captivity of material human ideas and charms, from my own ideas and dreams.

And such freedom is really A THRESHOLD OF LOVE and enlightenment.

I Woke UP! And in fact in my life on Earth everything is only begins, because in my dreams I wanted at first a happiness for everyone, and then - for myself. Why? I just was born like that. Such is my Nature of Soul. So from the childhood I was taught by the father. And I was like that even before the world's creation.

And for me everything always just begins! That is eternal Beginning without end.

And I assure you, my passengers, my Friends and God's of God pupils, I assure you, BELIEVE! Everything only begins with us! A new and entirely infinite life full of surprising discoveries and inspirations begins.

For you to believe to my words, to the history of my life and discoveries, in order to conquer your trust and to endear that you start understand all the events deeper, on the level of cosmic interaction, I intentionally after these pages in the book place my repentance.

I want to teach you through myself and my reflections to search own way and to realise your errors. I want to teach you to ask forgiveness, as I am able to do so, and I want you to understand what is Forgiveness.

Be simpler and you will learn that forgiveness is a declaration of love to each person.

I am sure that each of You, in whom heart didn't turn into a stone, will find an accord in his SOUL and will learn to live other way - like I live in this world and in other worlds - Mother Nature, embodied in a physical form of woman Maria on Earth.

I was born in a form of common woman in order to show to you, by my own example, what is LIFE, LOVE AND FUTURE, AND WHAT is TRUE HAPPINESS.

And after the repentance, I place a brief description of my way. You already understand that I never do anything without aim, that is not interesting for me to pull my ego. You already became ingenious and realize that description of my way - that's not simply desire to tell about myself.

In this description there are the keys, the codes, the contours of a magic gold key which opens that door to a fairy tale, fairy tale of Buratino, a door hidden behind a curtain in the daddy Karlo's house.

So, at first I will tell you of the curtain and of drawing which an unknown artist, to be exact - my Great Master, drew on it.

Dear friend, if savvy is opened in you - look the following page and search together with me - WHO ARE YOU?

Try to answer the following questions:

• That is the main in human, imagination or real life?

• From where human begins, where is his SOURCE?

• How to make one's imagination reality?

• How to unite in yourself the laws of conscience and freedom of imagination?

• How long it is necessary to dream so the law of critical mass would come into action, when coincidence of circumstances begin to take place, and we begin to notice that all occurring with us is not accidentally?

• Who assists us to create these not casual coincidences of circumstances? Let's remember these people they brought to us?

There are many questions and answers about this and that will be in a BOOK of DESTINIES.

That's up to you to decide - will you search for an answers or stop to read further? If you read I will be grateful to you, my FRIEND. Through the Book of Destinies I decided to open all my SECRET friends and to help my friends to know EACH OTHER more closely. And when we learn about each other, we will find what can we do together.


от Жанны Де Арк

от Марии Магдалины

От Майтрейи

Здесь спрятан Ключ!!!

Тот, кто расшифрует текст, спрятанный здесь и построенный по принципу древних манускриптов, обретёт силу всех образов.

Я отрекаюсь от этого мира ,
Странник корабль летит в мир иной.
С собою беру только лиру.

Самые древние знания об истории человечества и вселенной читай в откровениях Марии.